Once you start receiving auto insurance from Romar Insurance, we want to make sure that your experience continues to exceed your expectations. Many insurance companies stop rolling out the red carpet after they have your name signed on the dotted line, but our business continues to provide amazing customer services. This includes online policy request services. Whether you have a simple question or need to do a big policy change, we are ready to assist you.
There are lots of policy change request options we can make online!
We don’t mean any offense to DMV employees, but the Department of Motor Vehicles is generally not the best place to spend the day. And that’s a problem – because you usually do end up spending the whole day (or at least a large part of it) there waiting to get what you need. When you need to register your car, you may think you need to face the DMV, but we have good news, you can do it with Romar Motor Vehicle Registration Services.